Monday, July 02, 2007

Just a question

How busy are y'all out there this week? Of the 3-4 readers we have, counting me and Mr. Best, have things slowed down this holiday week?

This is the busiest little Monday I've had in a while. I suspect our clients are handing off all the work they can before they take off for an extra-long weekend. Can't blame 'em. I've been on the client side, and work rolls downhill.

Your thoughts?


Pete Best said...

You can't be that busy, if you have time to post;)

Not too bad here, even though half my team is gone on vacation. That's actually one person. (It's a 3 person team counting me.) Hopefully, I will not have to help out since I no longer know how to anything technical...

Joe Janes said...

S-l-o-w here. All my teaching gigs are off this week.

Anonymous said...

Actually very busy for yours truly, but that's probably due more to my week off last week than any July 2nd-specific stuff.

Anonymous said...

Oh, I’m busy. Problem is getting paid for it.